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"New class of anti-hypertensives offers smooth BP levels"

Medical Post

Source: Medical Post

Published: 16 Jun 2022

Category: Pharmaceutical

Rating: (1½ stars)

what they said (Hover the mouse cursor over underlined words for more info)

NEW YORK | The first drug in a new class of agents for the treatment of high blood pressure-the oral direct renin inhibitor aliskerin-appears to take advantage of a long half-life to give patients blood pressure control all day, all night and especially in the morning.

"Aliskerin has the potential to protect the heart and other organs by continuous, smooth blood pressure lowering," said Dr. Jerry Mitchell, chairman of the Texas Centre for Drug Development, a Houston-based research company involved in clinical trials with the drug, which is being developed by Novartis.

Dr. Mitchell said aliskerin's 40-hour half-life will provide for once-daily dosing....

The original article can found in the Media Doctor archives.

how did it rate? (more information)

Criteria Rating
Total Score 2 of 9
Availability of Treatment Not Satisfactory (?)
Novelty of Treatment Satisfactory (?)
Disease Mongering Not Satisfactory (?)
Treatment Options Not Satisfactory (?)
Costs of Treatment Not Applicable
Evidence Satisfactory (?)
Quantification of Benefits of Treatment Not Satisfactory (?)
Harms of Treatment Not Satisfactory (?)
Sources of Information Not Satisfactory (?)
Relies on Press Release Not Applicable
Quantification of Harms of Treatment Not Satisfactory (?)

what we said (Hover the mouse cursor over underlined words for more info)

This story about the first drug in a new class of blood pressure medications (renin inhibitors) is an exemplary piece of poor reporting. The story discusses the presentation of data at a meeting, meaning that nothing will have been peer reviewed let alone published at this point in time, without mentioning either of these crucial deficiencies. Furthermore, it focuses exclusively on a surrogate endpoint, blood pressure control, and fails to mention that there is no evidence that the drug will reduce morbidity or mortality or be any better than existing medications. No harms from the product are presented and finally, there is nothing about the relationship between the investigators and the company developing this product. Articles such as these may be best used to lining the bottom of your bird's cage, if you have one.

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